We sat down with Earl Tipper, Owner of AquaDig Vacuum Excavation, to talk about his journey within the vac truck industry and his experiences with VTI so far.

When buying a vac truck, a critical component in deciding which manufacturer to choose depends on a number of factors. Whilst the quality of manufacturing is one crucial aspect, another is the dedication provided by a team who supports your business needs.
When issues crop up, I need insurance not only from the performance of a vac truck but from a team who can deliver the service and support when my business needs it most.
Dependability and trust have been two significant factors when selecting my suppliers, and VTI has continually met and exceeded these expectations. Since purchasing my first unit 4 years ago, I have not only experienced exceptional customer service but have continued to invest across the entire vac truck range. Our most recent purchase has been VTIs 8000L THOR Jetter Combo, which has been a massive asset in the flood recovery efforts in South-East Queensland.
Another factor in choosing a VTI unit was its simplistic vac truck design. A fall point experienced with many vac truck brands in the past has been their complex design. This complexity has led me to pursue extensive training and understanding of the complicated operator manuals. In some cases, the vac truck operators had to complete training courses to bring them up to speed.
Each VTI truck has been designed and built with the operator in mind. They deliver simple and easy to use operating systems that allow for a quick operator adaptation and fast application, saving our business time and money.
I cannot thank the VTI team enough, particularly the Directors, for their help and support. No matter the issue or timeframe, the team has treated us and our business needs with the utmost respect. With expert industry advice, excellent service, and a superior quality unit, Vac Truck Industries are our preferred brand for quality vac truck manufacturing.